Understanding Ayurveda Through a Western Lens MindCo
Ayurvedic Series

Understanding Ayurveda Through a Western Lens

length iconApprox. 3-4 hours
format iconDownloadable PDF
price icon£35.00

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prerequisite icon Prerequisite: None

Module 1 – What is the science of Ayurveda? It’s history and why is it important today?
Get to know this ancient science, the energetic flow between nature and science thousands of years ago and, how it still supports our health today, when we notice and integrate some of its wisdom.

Module 2 – How do the doshas manifest within us?
Explore the very nature of the qualities within our bodies and how they support our overall health and well-being.

Module 3 – Vata dosha
What are the qualities within Vata dosha, where does it manifest within you and begin to notice how much it influences you on a day-to-day basis.

Module 4 – Pitta dosha
What are the qualities within Pitta dosha, where does it manifest within you and begin to notice how much it influences you on a day-to-day basis.

Module 5 – Kapha dosha
What are the qualities within Kapha dosha, where does it manifest within you and begin to notice how much it influences you on a day-to-day basis.

Module 6 – Blending and balancing the doshas
All three doshas work together, all support each other yet all of us are uniquely individual. Not one of us is the same as our neighbour…

Module 7 – How does the dance with your doshas begin?
Your dance with the doshas begins NOW. Learn about the key times of our lives when we must pay attention to our doshas, how our body warns us and how we integrate this ancient philosophy into lives now.

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